
Wet Cement :-(

I was visiting a friend at the hospital and desparately looking for a place to park my car when i finally saw a couple with their little daughter coming out of the building. So i decided to follow them slowly with my car to take their parking space.

The little girl was about 4 years old and she was clearly upset, and the father was clearly annoyed with her. She was crying, the poor thing, while her father held a tight grip on her arm and was dragging her along with him. The mother just didn't bother with the scene and just walked along casually.

The girl wouldn't stop crying and the father at some point just lost it and hit her hard on the back!

I gasped! What is he doing?! .. And what most angered me was the careless mother who didn't even stop to look twice at what just happened!!

"Ok, calm down, he's her father and he knows best. Maybe it was just this once to get her moving", just as i was telling myself that, I see that they had already reached their car. The mother nonchalantly opens the door of the front seat, while this cruel cruel father open the back door, picks up the little girl and literally DUMPS her on the back seat. THEN, he proceeds to HIT HER MERCILESSLY, over and over and over And again, he just WOULDN'T STOP!!!.. And the mother seemed completely NOT bothered by what's going on!!!.. I was HORRIFIED.. I just found myself shouting at him " bass.. BAASS.. eKFAYA, 7ARAM 3LAIK" !!!

And the strangest thing happened, while the father stopped dead in his tracks looking abit ashamed, the zombie mother turned her head and looked at me, eyes shooting daggers, face all red with indignation, and gesturing to me "Enti eshtabeen!".... Wow, she was capable of showing emtions after all !!

Now ana kheft :-/ ra7at ilSakra o yat ilFikra.. So like a coward, I sped off.. To hell with their parking space!!


:قال رسول الله- صلى الله عليه وسلم

من رأى منكم منكرًا فليغيره بيده، فإن لم يستطع فبِلسانه، فإن لم يستطع فبِقلبه، وذلك أضعف الإيمان

رواه مسلم -


"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression".

-Dr. Haim Ginott


FourMe said...

:( That's so SAD!! I can't stand any form of cruelty against a human or an animal let alone a child! Hitting only results in the child having worse manners and becoming more aggressive, its not a cure its a poisin.. Bs 3afya 3alech what you did was right, maybe it won't stop him from hitting her again but it did this time. Well done :**
And for that "Mother" wala 7asafa yengal 3anha om, I hope she burns in hell.

Anonymous said...

that's bad! Those aren't parents, those are people who just "accidentally" had kids and dunno what to do with'em.. it's good what you did girl!

Anonymous said...

thats really bad!! I hate such parents!!

poor child..

Hasan.B said...

You did the right thing.

Drunk'n'Gorgeous said...

I wish there was a law where people have to get a license to have children. It'd sort out the unfit parents. Honestly!

Anonymous said...

im glad you shouted out , and i dont know if i would have the guts to confront them, i think i would be shaking in my shoes with anger .. fourme your right .. how could a mom allow her child to get hit like that especially a 4 yr old .. those kids are innocent ! i think you were there in the right time .. teach the guy a lesson in anger management ! im glad he looked embarassed.

shoosha said...

itha jidam il naas chithy 3ayal what would he do bil bait... allah e3eenha!!! ya wailhum min rab-hum!

Anonymous said...

This is beyond disgusting.

If we were in the states I would've told ya to write down the car's license plate num and call social services, if only.

Anonymous said...

akhaaaaih bent-hom ashkra ra7 tet3a8ad ;(

Lala* said...

Now i believe that maybe it wasn't her mother after all, maybe she's her step-mother!

3ad I really got scared when the mother looked at me :-/

I know, 7adha mskeena :'(

thx, bs i feel i shouldn't take credit for it, i had no control over myself and i just blurted that out :-/

Wouldn't that be great ? :-)

What struck me is how the mother was willing to fight for her husband, but not her daughter!!!

7asbeya Allah 3laihom.

I KNOW!..Aaaaakh, if only !

Allah eko0n eb 3onha*

Ms. D said...


Anonymous said...

Oh My God Thats soooo SAD :( I Would Have Done The Same Thing!

FourMe said...

Not really it could of been her mother, there are so many mothers who really don't care about their children, and some who get pregnant just for the sake of it cuz everyone around them is.

MiYaFuSHi said...

Wayid wayid 3ajabteeny

Anonymous said...

a7!! :( la7awla wala quwata ella billah :(

Anonymous said...

3afya 3alaich zain sawaitay! Allah yahdeehum ya rab oo yir7am ibnayat'hum

Anonymous said...

good on you for what you did. What bothers me the most are the people who keep their kids in the front see of the car (sometimes even standing without a seat belt). I make sure I talk to them and point out that thats dangerous. They always take it badly but maybe if they think about it again they will understand what I meant.

Anonymous said...

thats disgusting!! good for you for speaking out!! poor child..

what does this mean: Enti eshtabeen