I was skimming through this old magazine when I came across this article. It says here that Sheikh Majed AlSabah will join forces with renowned designer Tom Ford to design dishdashas!!
I quote: "While many in the West mistakenly believe that all Arab men dress alike, Ford and Al Sabah know differently. They understand that the dishdasha has every bit as much variety in quality, cut and price as the Western suit. To the Arab men, the thobe or national dress is the epitome of comfort, elegance and style. ...
It is highly versatile, with many variations. In the UAE, the nationals prefer tarboosh on their round- neck dishdasha. In Kuwiat, the dishdashaheatures a high chinese collar, while Qataris prefer to wear their national dress with long, pointed collars.
These days, it's possible to have a whole selection of all these styles irrespective of where you hail from. And while most Arab men prefer their dishdashaswhite or beige, shades of black and brown are popular during winter, and there are many other colours and styles to choose from.
So there is plenty of room for Ford and AL Sabah's bespoke- couture, even- service to manoeuvre in the lucrative and highly affluent Middle Eastern market"

They even had this sketch which displays where Ford will add his magical touches.
- Collar: Choice of spread or two button Mandarin collar.
- Tom Ford's initials on the front pocket.
- Sleeves: Choice of barrel or French cuff.
- Hand-stiching throughout- side pockets and hem.
- Alef magazine, Autumn 2007
Well I have to say this isn't the first time I hear about this idea, but it is the first time i've heard about this partnership. I do recall Awatif Al7ay once mention in an interview along time ago that she will revolutionize the dishdasha !!-Eewww *cringing*.. Also, i did recieve an email a while back with different images of hip dishdashas..
See for yourself:

I liked Reddish the most ***
Nothing shocks me anymore.. just like Gina doing fashionable naydeya's last summer collection. So why not the dishdasha's.. Dunhill started the craze with dishdasha materials and it caught up with Louis Vuitton and Givenchy. What next Dolce & Gabbana emkasar?? :P
exactly! Four me is right, WHY NOT!?
I tell ya, this Thursday night dishdasha kinda looks hot
Next is Fendi Abaya's :P
I don't like this at all!
I think its very ladyish and un-manly.
I don't like this ;/
what's next ? mini black dishdasha's with panty hose instead of imkassar !
its too girly...
حركاااات :)
that sketch looks like something only an arab version of elton john would wear! i think that maybe majed has too much time on his hands, besides a dishdasha is meant to be traditional, thats the point of it!
The skirt that the Scotish wear is more manly than those :|
The idea... brrrr
just wrong
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