**Important update. Pls read below**
Dear Diary;
I was going to post all about my trip to london when i get back. I also took some pictures of the streets all dressed in shimmering lights of every sort and color..
London is amazing this time of year..
But what made me rush to write this post is my need to vent!
Let's start at the begining:
Remember dear diary the temperley dress that i fell in love with ever since i saw it featured in fashion magazines few months ago.. The color, the embroidery, the open back.. just GORGEOUS..

I couldn't believe my luck when i found it @ alOthman a week ago, just before i travel to London..
I had to have it.
I tried it: PERFECT FIT !!!
So i paid the hefty price (1489 kd) although my mind was telling me to wait, but I ignored it, and went with my heart !
Today dear diary, I saw my dress, the black version.. I saw it in Selfridges.. I asked the sales lady and she said the Orange is SOLD OUT and this black one is the NEW one.. WHEN I asked her how much did you sell it for, she sipmly said we sold it for 1398 POUNds, just like this black one here..
My heart dropped!!
I went to check the price of the black dress, it was as she said 1398 pounds!!
1398 pounds when i just bought it for 1489 kd!!!
that's about 800 kd difference!!
How is that possible ?!?!?
How can they in clear conscience price it like that ???
- Completely slipped my mind to document this ordeal and take a picture of the dress with its price tag. Will have to go back for that so0n.
Anyway, in order to co0l my boiling nerves, i'm off to see mcDreamy in his new movie :-)
" Hell has three gates: lust, anger, and greed".
-Bhavagad Gita
** I went to Selfridges today-BOXING Day Hell, battled through the crowds, and head straight to Temperley section. Unfortunately the dress was sold out. I asked for its reference number, but they said they have no such info in their computer!!..
But for the record, I have to say that I feel much better now that I have been contacted by AlOthman. Their profassionalism, and assuring response comforted me and made me respect them all the more.
I am still sure of what I saw. Yet I have no proof, nor an explanation. However, I still LOVE my dress, and i will wear it with pride.
AlOthman: Hats off to you ***
offf i HATE that when it happens.. Heres something not the same bs still e7er:
I got a silver open-toe pump from Dolce&Gabbana.. i dont remember how much it costs but it was expensive, but at university i saw a girl wearing it i asked her from where did she get it (i doubted kuwait would get collections this early) She said New Look for 11 kd i was like aaarggggh it looked exactly the same I couldnt tell the difference :(
7abeebte ba3ad galbee 3adee i bought Matthiew Williamson dress for 550 kd from net-a-porter i saw the exact dress at one moments please b zahra for only 70 KD the same dress but made in indea ??? offf 7arrra
Ouch that hurts!! for that price u could of got the black one and an additional evening gown ... but thats what happens when u shop at kuwait. If I was you I would go to them and give them a piece of my mind!!
tara the dress is gorgeous 3alaich bil 3afya ;)
Yara I was in Harvey Nicholes today and I don't know if its the same pair of shoes you mean but I saw them on sale for 280pounds down from 300 something
i know for a fact that the dress you bought costs that much.
the sales girl in london doesnt know what she is talking about.
do you have a picture of what you say is the same dress but in black?
i would love to see it.
thanks :)
new bride,
where did you see matthew williamson in kuwait. the only agreed reseller is AlOthman?!
I just got a silver open-toe pump too :-)
It was this perfect python leather, from Sergio Rossi, a DREAM COME TRUE!
Very expensive too and I would hate to see it copied >:-(
New Bride
I'm sure yours is much a7la, with much more quality!!
Tra Wallah el taqleed ebayyen..
I was @ Harvey Nicholes yesterday too :-)
I'll go 2moro Selfridges to take a picture of the dress with its price tag..
3ad i HATE boxing day, o0 i HATE elz7ma.. offfffffff!
Dear Lala,
Following up on your comments that you made on Confashion that AlOthman Robbed me, we had to find out what happened.
I would totally understand your frustration if such a thing has happened but I feel that you have been mislead by the sales lady at Selfridges.
We at AlOthman are very conscious of any price difference that might exist with the brands we carry, for this reason we make sure we use the suggested retail price given to us by the suppliers. In this instance the retail price for the dress that you bought was in Sterling Pounds 2500.00 which at the rate of .570 (Pound VS. KD) comes to KD1450.00 We have priced it at KD1489.00.
We would appreciate it if you could provide us with the the picture and the price tag with a reference number and if what the sales lady at Selfridges is claiming is true, AlOthman will contact Temperley and we will solve this mater to your satisfaction.
We do implore you to compare the same dress and not a similar dress, similar dresses do not necessarily mean similar prices.
On a further note, we will be forwarding Temperley your article for further clarification.
Meanwhile please feel free to contact the manager at AlOthman for any clarification that you might have or need.
We look forward to hearing from you,
With Best Regards
Dear AlOthman..
First of all , I would like to thank you for your concern, and following up on my comments.
And I have to say that my initial shock was due to the fact that AlOthman is a very reputable store in Kuwait, and it is very unlike them to make such a horrifying deed!
I already compared other dresses bought by family members from your store, with the same dresses here in London- There was NO DIFFERENCE!
I assure you it was the SAME Temperley dress, only in black!..
I will definately go tomorrow and have its picture taken.
I would like to express my appreciation for your professionalism, I expected nothing less, Thank you***
wow,i admire alothmans professional response.
i agree with them that a similar dress is far from being the SAME. unless you can prove otherwise?
also ensure yourself of the price you were quoted before any discounts as it is now the sales.
my suggestion is that if you believe there has been a mistake, go back to the store in question and let them know so they can research the issue.
mistakes DO happen and so far myself have only ever had positive experiences with regards to pricing at alOthman. I must say that i always do my research in terms of prices BEFORE i shop in Kuwait.
however, i know that this dress was possibly the most expensive item of the season made by temperley but also the most amazing dress i have seen in a long time :)
so enjoy it for now!
Seeing such professionalisim from a store in Kuwait is realy something uncommon. I must say Alothman has truely raised the bar for other retailers in Kuwait in terms of customer service.. Having said that.. I couldn't think of a reason for the price differance other than the person who taged the prices made a typo?? Wishful thinking? :P
ya7lailhom 3al response walla 7abait-hom...
meta terje3en enshalah? ma3ndich dawam ?:P Ga3d et7ereena 3ndi exam bacher :P
Yalla have fun :*
Dear Lala,
Thank you for your kind words. We have already contacted Temperley and they will get back to us right after the holidays.
At that time we hope to provide you with the correct answers and we would like to assure you that we will get to the bottom of this matter so you not only wear your dress with pride but with full satisfaction.
With Best Regards
Did you see the beige dress that was displayed on the table ? It was simply gorgeous.. loved it
i have a funny feeling that black dress was on sale. if there was only one left and it was sold... since they mark down items even a day before official sale.
anyway, no regrets if i were you :)
ضرب البلطجى باب المقهى برجلة فوقف جميع رواد المقهى خوفا من البلطجى إلاشاب كان يجلس وهو شارد الذهن ينظر الى كوب الشاى الذى امامه
فاتجه اليه البلطجى واخذ كوب الشاى من امام الشاب وشربه مرة واحدة ثم القى الكوب فارغا وقال للشاب ادفع انت بقة ثمن الشاى
بكى الشاب بكاء مريرا
البلطجى:بتعيط عشان خمسين قرش وعامل لى راجل
الشاب:انا بعيط عشان ماليش بخت فى الدنيا دى كل ماروح شغلانه افشل فيها ويطردنى صاحب الشغل
اشتغلت قهوجى وقعت الشاى والطلبات على الزباين اشتغلت مكوجى حرقت هدوم الزباين اشتغلت محاسب فى شركة طلعت شركة نصب والبوليس قفلها
سافرت السعودية طلع العقد مضروب ورجعت ترحيل
رحت العراق حصل الغزو وراحت فلوسى ورجعت ماشى
بصراحة انا انسان فاشل فى كل حاجة اعملها
البلطجى : ياة دا انت فاشل خالص
الشاب امال لوعرفت اللى حصل الشهر اللى فات كنت رايح شغلانه جديدة فصحيت الصبح متأخر فنزلت بسرعه وركبت عربية جارنا اللى حاططها قدام البيت ورحت الشغل برضة متاخر
فطردنى صاحب الشغل لاستهتارى بمواعيد العمل فخرجت من الشركة فاكتشفت ان حرامى سرق العربيه
فاتهمنى جارنا بسرقة العربيه وقبضوا علية واتسجنت6 شهور ولسه خارج النهاردة
حتى الانتحار فشلت فيه
البلطجى ازاى؟
الشاب : رحت للبقال واشتريت منه اقوى سم قاتل وجيت القهوة وحطيت السم فى الشاى عشان اشربه اموت واخلص من حياتى فجيت انته وشربت الشاى بتاعى اللى فية السم
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